Automate clinical hiring
Work without uncertainty
Work without delay
Work without red tape

Automated Onboarding & Compliance for Private Healthcare

  • Flexible Compliance — Set different requirements for every job type. Full integration with GMC, NMC, DBS and more
  • Increase your Margins — Less manual work to onboard and credential candidates equals greater profit margin
  • Get the best candidates — reduce your application dropouts by up to 70% with a seamless candidate experience

Faster onboarding & automated compliance starts here

Enter your details, book in an introductory meeting and prepare to lead your company to the next level in 2024.

Dean Spencer
Head of Business Development
Nikita prides herself on being a warm and approachable professional with almost 10 years experience leading compliance teams and heading up CRM software. Having been a Compliance Manager in a previous role, Nikita is all too familiar with the pains experienced in the healthcare sector. She loves to travel and take long walks in Hertfordshire where she is based.
Nikita Sunnar
Sales consultant
Dean is one of Credentially's longest serving employees and has close to 10 years experience of working within healthcare & technology. He was born in Bolton, Lancashire and recently moved to Portugal with his fiancé and dog, Luna.
Colin Breavington
Chief Revenue Officer
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Dean Spencer - Insourcing Lead
Dean is one of Credentially's longest serving employees and has close to 10 years experience of working within healthcare & technology. He was born in Bolton, Lancashire and recently moved to Portugal with his fiancé and dog, Luna.
Nikita Sunnar - Pre-Sales consultant
Nikita prides herself on being a warm and approachable professional with almost 10 years experience leading compliance teams and heading up CRM software. Having been a Compliance Manager in a previous role, Nikita is all too familiar with the pains experienced in the healthcare sector. She loves to travel and take long walks in Hertfordshire where she is based.
Trusted by 54,000+ registered clinicians Globally

Powered by Credentially:

Hear what Credentially Users have to say about us

Credentially Can Help Private Healthcare Reduce Onboarding Times From
60 Days to Just 5!

Credentially enables recruiters to create a bespoke process for each job role, tailoring it to match the specific needs and responsibilities of the position. This ensures a more effective and relevant experience for new hires.

They’re outdated, difficult to track hires, and prone to human error. With Credentially, a traffic light system shows you who is compliant and what your new hires still need to do.

Our AI technology automatically detects expiry dates on documents uploaded by your hires. Credentially then notifies both you and the staff member ahead of time, so they can be retrained in time rather than taken off the rota.

Not only is Credentially easy for you to keep track of files, data, and training, it’s also straightforward for applicants to use. They have a step-by-step process to follow, a timeline to show how far they are through their onboarding process, can upload documents straight from the phone and even sign using e-signatures!

Get Ahead of the Competition — Book a Live Demo
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Trusted by 54,000+ registered clinicians Globally
Elspeth Griffiths
Director of HR, Workforce and OD @ South Central and West Commissioning Support Unit
Through automation of checks and a streamlined candidate experience, CCAS was rapidly able to increase their ability to process candidates from 50 to over 1000 per week. The Credentially team were excellent, we could not have delivered the service without them. They were very responsive to all of our queries, adjustments and requirements.
Megan Howell
HR officer
My favourite thing about Credentially is how customisable it is, so you can make sure it meets our specific requirements. The customer service is absolutely brilliant - our questions always get a really quick response, and if we have any issues our account manager is always really responsive and receptive and works with the dev team to make it fit our needs.
Luisa Gaiteri 
Clinical Recruiter
Having a single, safe site to store all GP records and compliance data is priceless. Gaining references has become streamlined, with automated reminders switched on it has really helped increase the number of references we gain. We can see all notifications and updates in real-time, so we'll know if someone's DBS has expired.
Chris Beauchamp
HR Manager
We have progressed to a smooth operating system which also enables us to manage the candidates experience, maintain compliance and view valuable recruitment analytical data on a weekly basis. Credentially has firmly established itself as a vital tool in our recruitment structure.

Less admin, more growth

  • Schedule a call to discuss how Credentially can optimise your candidate onboarding process >

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could save you millions

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A ten minute custom walkthrough
could save you millions

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Credentially, anyway?

The best healthcare software your clinical admin team will ever know.

Credentially automates your entire onboarding process, including pre-employment checks, right to work, practising privileges and ongoing compliance.

It’s a secure place to digitally store all staff records, and our smart automation technology notifies both you and the clinician when things are close to the expiry date.

We’re also the only onboarding and compliance software designed by healthcare workers, for healthcare workers.

How does it work?

You know those thousand-and-one things you have to check and verify before you can get a clinician practising for your organisation? Credentially automates all of them.

And you know how you still have to re-check your million spreadsheets to make sure all the things are still compliant and up to date? Credentially automates all that, too.

In a nutshell, we take an onboarding process which typically takes around 60 days and smoosh it down to just 5 with automations that are bespoke to your business model. The end result is a stress-free experience for the candidate you want to recruit, and an admin team that isn’t tearing their hair out having to manually review every scrappy document that gets sent their way.

Say goodbye to the hassle of manual onboarding and hello to a more streamlined and efficient process with Credentially.

Are we the right size for Credentially?

YES! (Probably.)

We’ve partnered with some gigantic names across the healthcare sphere, but we’re also helping start-ups and smaller organisations. In general, our automation software is designed for a minimum of 25 users - however, if you're planning to expand and have fewer users currently, we'd still be happy to demonstrate the benefits of Credentially for your growth plans.

How does Credentially handle expired documents and notifications?

Credentially is designed to be proactive rather than reactive, so we'll notify both the admin staff and clinicians ahead of time when certificates are approaching their renewal date. If the renewal date passes without action, additional alerts will be sent as well. The frequency and type of notifications are fully customizable to meet the specific needs of your organization.

By automating the expiration notification process, Credentially helps you stay compliant and avoid any disruptions in the onboarding process. Our smart automation technology ensures that all necessary documents are kept up to date, giving you one less thing to worry about.

Will I still have to chase applicant references?

Heck no. Credentially does that for you too (and with a dramatically improved success rate than manually requesting references!)

What if I have different compliance requirements…

Aha, we thought of that!

This is where our Flexible Compliance feature comes in, allowing you to easily set up different requirement ‘packages’ for each role - for instance, if you want to see different credentials for a brand new doctor joining the company compared to a long-standing consultant, it’s incredibly easy to configure.

You could even set it so that all senior radiologists from Swindon have to submit a photo of a bengal cat during their onboarding.

Not sure why you’d want to, but you could.

Can I use Credentially to recruit non-clinical staff?

The main thing that separates Credentially from other, generic solutions is that we are tailored towards the healthcare industry. That is to say the platform works best for onboarding clinical staff, but it’s perfectly capable of handling non-clinical roles too.

Do you integrate with the DBS Update Service?

Indeed. Whether the employee in question is on the Update Service or not, Credentially will have a digital chinwag with the Disclosure and Barring Service on a weekly basis to make sure everything’s square. All other licence checks are carried out daily.

With Which other services do you integrate?


With regards to professional bodies, we’re fully integrated with GMC, NMC, NHS England, HCPC, uCheck… the list goes on.

We also integrate with many of the HRIS and CRM systems you're used to, and the list is growing. If we don't currently provide integration for a particular software, we can provide API documentation and support to build that bridge.

Does Credentially have a feature for scheduling staff rotas?

As we actively work on new features to make Credentially the industry standard for medical onboarding and compliance, ancillary features such as rostering are not currently on our product road map (which can be seen here).

Does Credentially work outside of the UK?

While Credentially was founded and built in sort-of sunny England, the software is fully geared to work on a global level and serves active customers around the world.

Can the system handle EU/Overseas applicants?

If the role you’re hiring for is open to applicants outside the UK, it’s as simple as checking a box on the admin side. The candidate will be prompted for the relevant paperwork, and we’ll do the rest.

What about America?

Great news on that front: Credentially integrates beautifully with services including (but certainly not limited to) SAM, OIG, Nursys and Checkr.

How quickly can I get started with Credentially?

A true FAQ from all those who have finished one of our live demos! The answer depends on the size of your organisation and the orderliness of your current data, but typically the set-up process takes around 3 weeks.

Our onboarding process is a bit weird…

We totally get that every organisation has a different process for onboarding applicants (and at this stage we’ve probably seen them all!)

With this in mind, we’ve baked flexibility right into the software. During our initial set-up discussion we’ll sit down together and mirror your current onboarding and application process.

Do you tend to do interviews first before collecting ID documents? Great. Would you rather the applicant completes their Right to Work checks before they get the chance to put a CV on your virtual desk? Also great.

Thereafter, you can optimise the applicant journey by adding or removing steps with just a few clicks, in any order you choose. And yes, this process can be configured differently for each clinical role.

Can we have our own corporate branding on the platform?

Not only can you do it, we encourage it.

We’ll help you get set up so that both candidates and admin staff alike see your company’s logos, videos and info in place of the Credentially branding.

How much does it cost?

The real question is: how much is it going to save once Credentially has automated the many hours of manual paperwork?

Okay, that wasn’t quite what you were asking. Here goes: the price is a monthly charge, set on a per-user basis. The exact per-user rate is dependent on the scale we’re looking at; organisations with hundreds or even thousands of users will be subject to a lower cost per user.

And I’m guessing there are a load of hidden fees…

Nope - the core product is fully included within the initial set-up fee and a price based on number of users. Additional features (which are purely optional) include advanced reporting, uCheck integration and SSO, which carry an additional charge.

Click here to chat to one of our product specialists to discuss your requirements and get a no-obligation quote.

Can I import my current staff data?

You sure can! See this guide on how to prepare for a mass import - also contains cost information if you’d rather we did the donkey work for you. There’s no shame in that.

Can I export all of my data?

Very easily (and securely) - this is the guide for you.

Is my company’s data safe with Credentially?

We’re fully GDPR compliant, ICO registered and ISO certified. Data security is a major cornerstone of the Credentially platform, and always will be.